What's In It For You

When it comes to treaty, everyone wants to know, “What’s in it for me?” and understandably so! Below are a few of the benefits treaty will bring for the citizen, the Region, the Local, the family, the community, and our Elders and youth. These lists are not exhaustive but quickly highlight how treaty will impact the various aspects of our citizenship and government.

What’s in it For Me? (The Citizen)

  • Stable funding for MN-S which means continued programs and services for you! ‘
  • A Métis government in Saskatchewan to represent your interests!
  • Protection of your Métis culture, language, values, and identity!
  • Federal recognition and constitutional protection of your inherent rights!

What’s in it For Me? (The Region)

  • Federal and constitutional recognition of your government, meaning continued employment opportunities and protection of services and programs for constituents!
  • Regional Representative will be able to help set priorities and allocate resources!
  • Your MN-S government will be able to negotiate future areas of jurisdiction and secure funding that aligns with the needs of your Region and community!

What’s in it For Me? (The Local)

  • Federal and constitutional recognition of your government! Which means we will always have a Métis government in Saskatchewan providing employment opportunities, services, and programs for Locals and constituents!
  • Good governance structure for Locals, guided and enforced by MN-S laws made by our leaders and not Canada!
  • Capacity for MN-S to set stable funding for Locals! For more information email info@ourmoment.ca

What’s in it For Me? (The Family)

  • Access to a variety of existing and effective MN-S programs and services!
  • Kishchi Mashinaayikun Ooshchi Michif sets the stage for future jurisdiction in areas critical to your family, such as education, health, housing, and child and family services!
  • Protection of your family’s Métis identity, culture, values, and language!
  • Federal recognition and constitutional protection of your family’s and future generations’inherent rights!
  • A strong, stable government that can advocate on our behalf!
  • The Sacred Document will open the door for MN-S to access additional resources from Canada which means greater capacity to meet the needs of your family!

What’s in it For Me? (The Community)

  • Protection and recognition of historically marginalized Métis communities!
  • Safeguarding of your rights and ensuring the survival of your community’s identity, culture, values, and language!
  • Access to a wide range of robust MN-S programs and services designed to enhance, empower,
    and protect your community and ways of living!
  • Opportunities for infrastructure development, such as community centers, daycares, playgrounds, and more!

What’s in it For Me? (The Elders / Youth)

  • Your unique Métis identity, culture, values, and language are safeguarded for future generations!
  • Current programs and services catered to youth and Elders, will continue and grow in capacity, reach, and impact!
  • The enduring stability of MN-S means representation of Métis interests in areas like economic opportunities, employment, healthcare advocacy, daycare centers, promoting Michif in schools, and supporting child and family services!
  • The opportunity to shape the future of your government and ensure your voice is heard!
  • Opportunities to engage, share and gain knowledge, participate in cultural activities, and ensure traditional practices continue!
  • A step toward addressing historical injustices caused by colonial and federal policies, promoting healing, wellness, and a sense of belonging!
