Our Future With Treaty

What MN-S Looks Like With and Without Treaty

Currently MN-S is operating as a government under a not-for-profit structure, however with a treaty, MN-S will transition to a fully operational and federally recognized government. Below is a list of quick facts about what that means for our MN-S government.

With Treaty, MN-S will have stable funding in our recognized areas of jurisdiction meaning we will have the ability to preserve and protect our Métis ways for future generations, ensuring progress.

Without Treaty, the Federal Government could reduce or eliminate funding to MN-S, walking back our progress and putting the future of our government and Métis Nation at risk.

With Treaty, MN-S is recognized as the Government of the Métis within Saskatchewan.

Without Treaty, MN-S is not recognized as a government and would be forced to operate under our current non-profit structure that doesn’t respect Métis traditional ways, laws and governance and limits our ability to meet citizen needs.

With Treaty, Métis people in Saskatchewan will always have a government representing them and their interests.

Without Treaty, Métis people in Saskatchewan would have to rely on the good will of the Federal and Provincial governments to recognize us and prioritize our culture and needs, something they historically have not done.

With Treaty, our inherent right to self-government which is entrenched in the Canadian Constitution is recognized, granting MN-S stability and security to continue operating as a government.

Without Treaty, our inherent right to self-government could be ignored, infringed and undermined leaving MN-S to operate with uncertainty and zero security.

With Treaty, we fulfill the dreams of Louis Riel and our ancestors by establishing a federally recognized Métis Nation Government and exercising our rights.

Without Treaty, Métis Government would continue to fight for federal recognition of our inherent rights.
